setelah tau dmana bikin demo account, akhirnya aku coba buat trading. simulasi sih, but, its okay.
ini impresi awal ku.
#1. ketahui trend. itu yg paling penting. jangan pernah menebak pasar mau bergerak kemana. itu sama dengan gambling. selalu ambil posisi yg searah dgn trend. up is call, down is put (option).
#2. make a support or resistance line. it will help you to know when you should enter the market. memang, itu garis imaginer, but it helps a lot. ya, ada org yg sampe bikin tutorial how to trade in 60". n hasilnya mmg ada lose ada profit. di saat lose dia bilang, ’coz my position was against the trend. see my point #1.
#3. know when the time will be expired. i’ve experience this. it hurts. but its okay. toh hanya demo account. for ex. saat masuk perhatikan benar, berapa lama lagi waktu akan expired. dalam binary option trading, you will be given a window time to buy the option. n you’re position will be expired in given time. susah? yup. gampang2 susah. so, you must understand n know when you should enter the market or just leave the market alone. see my point #1 n #2.
#4. if lose, you will lose as much as you buy the option. misal, you bought 10 usd, then you will lose about that much money. when you won, you will get a 70%-80% profit. not bad huh :-) mau itung2an. eits itung sendiri dlm 20 x trading you won 60% then how much money you will earn? depends on your total investment.
nah, itu dulu yg aku punya saat ini. akan update lgi maks seminggu ke depan. kira2 apa lagi yg aku dapatkan dari binary option trading ini. sounds good heh? :-)
*update @home
i got an idea.
ketika di dalam cedar finance, profit yg ditawarkan pada binary adalah 170-180%. walopun aku tau pada real account profit yg ditawarkan paling 70-80%. aku tahu karena di markets global, ya mmg segitu profit yg ditawarkan per option which bought.
itu binary, jika touch (i’ll explain what is touch later, when i’m willing to) ditawarkan pada cedar finance hingga 250%. :-) luar biasa bukan. artinya profit yg ditawarkan (real condition) adalah 150%. ini sgt menguntungkan. dgn ngawurpun, let say enter put n call dlm pasar yg unknown, di range harga yg tidak terpaut jauh, masih ada kemungkan profit 50%. g percaya. itung aja sendiri.
bisa di coba nanti di hari senin. we’ll see....
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