Friday, December 23, 2005

Fair, Justice......

Today, I had a lot of chats from two of my friends in different time. The first one, she talked about friendship. And the second one, she talked about justice, and more likely about fair, and about telling the truth.
Some people said that life was so hard that there is unfair and no justice for them. Well, its time to tell you my opinion about it.
Yeah, the world seems to be unfair to us. A lot of crimes are going on this earth. So many justices go to wrong directions (depends on what point of view we are taking from). Don't worry..... God made the universe in a such very good balance. There must be black and white. And there must be good and evil. Right and left. No grey side.
But one thing for sure..... there must be a place or a world or a universe that averything will go work at where it should be. Justice every where. Fair always in your heart. Fair is everywhere... Such a perfect world. Where you'll find it? I believe you'll find this kind of world right after death..... Do you believe in life after death?

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