Monday, December 26, 2005

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Friday, December 23, 2005

Fair, Justice......

Today, I had a lot of chats from two of my friends in different time. The first one, she talked about friendship. And the second one, she talked about justice, and more likely about fair, and about telling the truth.
Some people said that life was so hard that there is unfair and no justice for them. Well, its time to tell you my opinion about it.
Yeah, the world seems to be unfair to us. A lot of crimes are going on this earth. So many justices go to wrong directions (depends on what point of view we are taking from). Don't worry..... God made the universe in a such very good balance. There must be black and white. And there must be good and evil. Right and left. No grey side.
But one thing for sure..... there must be a place or a world or a universe that averything will go work at where it should be. Justice every where. Fair always in your heart. Fair is everywhere... Such a perfect world. Where you'll find it? I believe you'll find this kind of world right after death..... Do you believe in life after death?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Friday, December 16, 2005

Its me ... another look

Well, yeah, its me....
Another easy time......

Band of NOC

Yup, Band of Network Operation Center.
The red sweater is Ade, the one who acts as the director (a guy how is wearing 'batik') is Didink,
the one who looks like the prisoner from Azkaban is Denny,
and the most handsome guy of all is me Uton.


I bet for a thousand rupiahs, this is the picture you're talking about. Anyway, the big green man on the left is Shrek (just like the movie's title) and the girl on the right is Princess Fiona. Shrek is a kind of an ogre. You know what ogre is? Watch Lord of the Ring Trilogy, then we'll talk more about them...... :)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

An sms from a friend

Tonight, my friend (I've known her since 1998, I think) sended me sms. Just informing me that her number was changed, and would be restored again as usual at 22 of this december. I don't know why, we have already known each other for a long time and we still unable to meet. Maybe, we are too busy, or maybe we don't have enough courage to see or meet each other. But, one thing for sure, I like her. We have many in common. We've had a lot of conversations once. I called at 11 pm and the chats ended at around 4 am in the morning. Suddenly we knew that we have a lot in common, such as, we like to watch movie, anything as long as the movie is good, and we have the same favourite lovely animal, cats. I mean this is great. For example, Lord of The Ring Trilogy, Pretty Women, Runaway Bride, Legend of the Fall, Hannibal, Meet Joe black, God Father Trilogy, etc. Anna (her name is), I promise you, one day we'll meet. I don't know where, but I'll try my best to visit you. Or maybe you visit me in Jakarta? Who knows. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sorry Eka

Eka (an Indonesian girl who studies hard in Montreal Canada), sorry..... I took your picture.
I can't help my self. Just look at them, so cute......

Saturday, December 10, 2005

My Favourite Canteen

Let me to introduce this canteen to you all...
This is "Cak Ri" Canteen. What?? Yup, that's true.
My favourite is "bakso". I miss that "bakso" very much.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Don't lie again

I think I've been fooled. I trusted them, I believed them. They lied and set me up to this situation.... Lucky me, they admitted that they did. I feel so disappointed at the time. No angry, no feel so stupid. The most important thing is they admitted it and they sorry for it. I can accept that, and give 'em one more shot. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Router's Error

Last night, one of company's routers was down, so, the network would be down too. No body knows why, including me. :P
My colleague called me at 11 pm when I was trying to get some sleep. Ready or not, I got to go right away to recognize and fix the problems.
When I got there, everybody looked stressed. Every phones in the room were ringing all the time, almost. I stood in front of one pc and trying to telnet the router. Can't get in. I grab the console cable, connected it to the router and trying to fix the problems.
The funniest thing is the network is back to its normal operation, while I was trying to connect to the router. Trying to figure what was going on, everybody in the room congrats me for the success. I didn't do anything, I told them. No body believes me. Till now, I still figure what was going on that router. Still don't get the answer.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Servers Room

Check this servers room.....
What a mess.....!!!!

Somebody wants to see me?

Well it is my photo.... Guess !!!What am I thinking about?


I don't know why I am so nervous when she introduced her sister. She asked me to meet her. She barely doesn't know me. She knows me when I am on line only. Yes, I had told her everything about me, almost. Today she told me about her sisters. I like it. Finally she is able to get herself known. And I still don't know why I write these things down and make the public knows about me........ Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Friend? or Intimate friend?

Well, to me, it's a little bit hard to answer.

In my opinion, real friend should warn you about you. For example, you are in the middle of an intersection, and you have to choose which way to go. Based on your feeling you will go left. But based on your logical thinking, you'll go right. Based on your father/mother/brother/sister/ you'll go straight. Which way you gonna choose?
Finally, you choose right. Unfortunetly, your friend told you that if you took right, you'll gonna be hurt, insecured, protectionless. Your friend knows that from his/her experiences.
You still with your choice. And there you go, you got to your friend's experiences.
The bottom line is, a friend is a friend who dares to warn you, to argue you, to blame you, and to support you on whatever situations you are.

Intimate friend? (It will be more obvious if I say girl or boy friend)
He/she will be on your side always. Sometimes it doesn't make any sense. No matter what choice you choose he/she will be always on your side. Got the picture?

If you wanted to argue me..... you are wellcome.....

Monday, November 28, 2005

VIVA ............................

My Futsal Team.......... Viva forever...... From left to right with green uniform: Rumanto, Haris, Udin, Hendri, Boby, Hari and Anto. Down there (from left): Ferry, and me my self. Keep up the good team work guys.......... Posted by Picasa

Small reunion

Look at them. How nice they are. They are all my friends when I was in college, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Surabaya, well known as ITS Surabaya. The picture was taken at my place, my rent room. I am the one with blue shirt holding a glass of red Fanta. Wanna know abput me more..... wait till I publish more photos and my ideas. See you all soon. Posted by Picasa

Deni.... Hope you have a nice kid......

Guess... which one is me. Well, I am the one who is wearing sunglasses and green sweater. This picture was taken at my friend's place at Surabaya. I miss the city very much. Posted by Picasa

My Favourite Animal

Cats always fascionate me. I don't know why. But look at this picture. Look the way they look at the same point. So cute.
I have cats, at my hometown, Blitar. My sister take care of them. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Da Vinci Code

One of my favourite book. It's about conspiracy, thriller, and a lot of code breaking. I like it. Most of christian people don't like it. Yes, this book is questioning Jesus. Is he really god or just an ordinary man, in this issue, a messenger.
Well, I don't give a damn about that. Just stick with the book and feel the story about it. As I mentioned earlier, this book is about conspiracy and thriller. No more.
I am so fascionated about how the writer of this book described the scenes (mostly took place is Paris). I bet the writer do a lot of paper work to do that. Or maybe he has a team to make a survey of the scenes. Sometimes I feel that I am inside the book and I can feel the scenes.
Obviously, it is a good book.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wish me luck for getting this car

My dream car Posted by Picasa

I and Hendri

I and Hendri (my friend with digital camera on his hands) Posted by Picasa

Miss Understanding...? I don't think so

What a mess. Someone gave his/her comments to this mailing list. When I read it, I know that these comment will hurt someone's feeling. Let's say the person who gave the comments is 'A'. 'A' said that we should do something for our little community first, than we talk about other later. Don't set aside our community needs, specially when it confront with your need of furniture.
What the hell.....
Someone wants to buy a furniture and a house for her/his family. Than other person comes like a hero tell her/him what to do about hher/his life. the Funniest thing 'A' doesn't know which one of us will buy the furniture for the house.
Guess what next. Cold war just started.
Let them finish what they have started.

God Father Trilogy

I guess all of you have already watched these movies. good and evil. as the world's nature. right and left. good and evil. black and white. its all about the nature. when you got problems, all you have to do is "go to the matrass". just deal with it and you'll get some. and one thing: "be patient".

Just Do Ur Best Today

No body knows what's gonna happen tomorrow. Obviously, no body knows what's gonna happen in the next hour or maybe the next minute (1 minute). No body knows exactly what's gonna happen beyond. That's why "just do ur best today, from now on. Don't wait till tomorrow. No body knows that tomorrow will come down to you."
Do ur best, pray, then let god decides what may suits to you.

Wild dog life

This morning, I watched this TV Show. Animal Planet. It is about wild dog in Africa. It seems that they have a routine life, but when I think about it more seriously, I discovered that they don't. I'll talk about that later.
The most interesting fact is people live almost exactly the same way they live. Believe or not. What a social life they have. Hunters search for the food and keepers look after the younger. They share their food for community. But look at us. What did we do?